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March 2018

NUMTECH, «DataDocked»!

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Our training organization is referenced in the DataDock.

As a training organization for more than 17 years, NUMTECH can now be referenced by funders of continuing vocational training thanks to the DataDock database (French unique database on vocational training from a quality perspective).

Since January 2017, training must indeed, in order to be financed, be carried out by a training organization referenced by the funder. In other words, it must have met the six quality criteria defined by the French law of March 5, 2014. This is a guarantee of credibility both for companies and for employees receiving training.

It was therefore essential that NUMTECH carry out all the steps necessary for this referencing. It therefore meets all the quality requirements dictated by the French Decree of June 30, 2015.


More information (in French): here

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