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April 2022

NUMTECH is Qualiopi certified

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NUMTECH has obtained the Qualiopi certification.

After its DataDock accreditation, and thanks to the CERTIFOPAC organization, NUMTECH is now one of the Qualiopi certified training organizations.

This is a new quality certification mark in France, which will become mandatory in 2022 for training from public or pooled funding from OPCOs (Skills Operators), the State, Regions, AGEFIPH, the Employment Center, etc. It also makes training eligible for the Personal Training Account (CPF).

It attests to the quality of the training offer implemented by NUMTECH on the national level, thus giving it greater visibility, and contributing to the development of the skills of its trainees. This recognition is a guarantee of the quality of the training that NUMTECH delivers and allows its trainees to be eligible for various funding.


NUMTECH delivers training in the use of software from the ADMS range, for all levels, as well as more generic training on air quality.

Consult our training catalog (in French)

For further information:

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